The Mind Drives The Action

The struggle is REAL

You hear so much about the thought process and how it impacts your life, decisions and destiny.  There are slogans like; you are what you think; think positive; think happy thoughts; you are much stronger than you think, and the list goes on and on.

So what’s the big deal on this concept of thinking and why should we consider it a vital part of either our success or our failure in life?  That’s a question I’ve asked myself and I have to say, there is a whole lot of truth on how thoughts do in fact impact our life.  As I’ve research this topic, I must admit… one of my key resources on this is the Bible.

This book has so many life wisdoms that have proven to be true.  If you want to know what love really is, you may be surprised how much action is involved.  If you want wisdom on financial wealth, marriage, bringing up your kids, how to be honest, having integrity, confidence and more.  The Bible has it all.  

This book of wisdoms has been challenged, debated, fought for and archeologically tested.  Makes one wonder what all the fuss is about regarding this book.  The Bible has been on the best seller list for decades.  In fact, based on Guinness world records, it states that around 2.5 billion copies were printed between 1815 and 1975, but more recent estimates put the number at more than 5 billion.

With that said, for the purpose of this subject I want to point to a scripture in Romans 8:5.  This scripture says our living is based on what we set our minds on.  Either on fleshly desires… meaning I want what I want regardless of how or who it impacts.   Spiritual desires, which means bouncing our wants against what we know deep inside is the right thing to do.  At least that’s how I describe it.  So lets look at that scripture I mentioned above. 

8:5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit  set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

One word that jumps out at me in that scripture is “set”.  That spoke volumes to me because setting your mind on something will produce a result, ALWAYS.  If you set your mind on losing weight, you will begin to take action on achieving that.  

If  you set your mind on being financially free, guess what ….you will begin to look at your finances, establish a plan of action and eventually get there.  This works in pretty much every situation; even those that aren’t good choices such as i.e. having an affair.  It’s not like people wake up and say… hmm I think I’m going to screw up my marriage today… ahhhhh

It starts with those passing thoughts of dissatisfaction in your current situation.  You may say to yourself that you’re bored, not excited with your partner at the time, maybe you just had a disagreement and all kinds of negative thoughts start roaming through your head.  It ALWAYS starts with a thought and that’s how you “set” your mind.

Let’s take this affair subject and break it down.  When you think on negative thoughts, that’s when you’re open to be influenced.  You then “notice” that another person understands you; you find yourself welcoming those compliments; you convince yourself to have that “”innocent” lunch or dinner.  All this is happening while your future is being written in a direction that will be revealed to you and the world (your family and friends), and it all started with a thought.

In this case, that person just set their mind on their fleshy desires.  See how that works?  The result of that person setting their mind contributed to the family being broken, kids devastated, trust going out the window, anger flying everywhere and many times feeling like a failure. Crazy thing is, when a “new” relationship starts this way, its starts on a sandy foundation of lies and deception (sounds like a winner relationship huh?)

Many people who are in the early stages of this situation allow negativity to take place in the mind.  They mindlessly welcome “justification” to the thought party while they sing  the “I’m so happy now” song.  They continue this path until the curtain is drawn back and realize that it was nothing more than a facade of a happy ending.  Like I said, they want what they want regardless of who it impacts.  Get the picture?

Don’t give the kids SUGAR!!!!

Have you ever seen kids on sugar?  They are hyper as heck and talk your ear off!  They can get out of control and run all over the place.  Imagine having three, four or even ten kids on sugar!  If you want to settle them down, just imagine herding cats!  It will wear you out!

Well lets think on that same analogy with our thoughts.  They come rushing in and running all over your mind.  Here comes the I want food, then his buddy judgement makes the scene, and we can’t forget entitlement.  Next thing you know pity party made it with Ms. gossip and all of the sudden in the background you hear Beyonce’s song (crazy in love) in the mix of those thoughts!

You can’t get anything done because all these “kids” are running around your head and then realize the whole day has passed and nothing has gotten done.  Then you have the lazy kids that just sit around in your head and repeat the same ole stuff daily with the… If I had a million dollars I would.. If I could win the lottery I would do this or that.  If I lost weight I would feel this or that… If this, if that..

These kids are out of control and never accomplish anything because they are allowed all this sugar. Stop the SUGAR!  Sugar will kill your present and future.  Here’s the thing, when you let these thoughts run crazy in your head you will wake up one day and look back and realize how much time has been wasted.

On the other hand, some people accept this as being a part of life so they end up living a life of physical or spiritual mediocrity.  How sad is it to waste your present and future all because of allowing those kids to run your life.  What’s even sadder is that you HAVE control on how to direct those kids but choose not to.  Our thoughts need to be guided, settled down and told what to do.  They need to be evaluated and measured to ensure its the right thing to focus on.

How do we measure what is right in our thought life?  Well, that’s why I mentioned the scripture earlier on fleshly versus spiritual guidance. We are all born with both and I choose to measure my thought process on the spiritual because for me it’s a wise choice.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect in this action but I do strive to pause daily and pray for this guidance.  

I have fallen victim in having all kinds of kids on sugar and I can say, its exhausting and a waste of time. This life we live is truly short.  Think about it, we can live through twenty, forty, sixty and if we are blessed eighty summer seasons.  When I put it in that context; it really drives home how short really life is.  To waste that time on mindless thoughts would be, as kids say… Stupid. 

So now what?

Now anyone with any level of common sense knows that our desires can get us in a whole lot of trouble.  We don’t think about the impacts of our thinking, especially if we developed habits or ignore the fact that our thought process has anything to do with our current situations.

For example, If you think you’re not worthy of love; you will never experience it.  Regardless if  love came knocking at your door, you wouldn’t believe it because you “thought” your way out of it.  There is no mystery to this concept, there is no need to make this deeper than what it is.  You really do think your destiny into existance.

Oh I know that sounds like a lot of hosh posh but if you take a moment and reflect back on that last bad mood…. were you dancing with the thought?  The more you thought about a situation that made you upset, you became more upset because you set your mind on that event that made you upset.

Unfortunately, many people continue this cycle which can last for years, or worse, for their entire life.  As you continue this cycle you also set it in motion for this to take root in your heart.  When it reaches your heart, that result is hard to remove which makes change challenging.  Now here’s the kicker on negative thoughts;  sometimes people don’t think they are negative.

Let’s say you have a habit in thinking of you becoming a millionaire and you play it out in your head on what you would do. You think how you would spend the money, how you would help your friends and how you would help your community and church.  Sounds harmless right?  Just think all that goodness if only.

The thought process is playing in your head and a feeling of euphoria kicks in… ahhhh wouldn’t that be wonderful; if only.  Then you add to the process and start asking God to bless you with this “desire” you have in your heart. You go on to say to yourself “God bless me and place this fortune in my hands and I will prove to be a great servant”. You continue to think those thoughts of…..if only.

This thought process goes on for days, months and maybe even years.  On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this.  What’s wrong with someone wanting to be a millionaire and share their wealth?  What’s wrong with thinking that way?  Where it turns wrong is the time you spend on that thought process.  If you find yourself spending the majority of your time thinking about being a millionaire, then where’s the time to do what God wants you to do?

Where is that time where you are connecting with God?  You see, it’s important to be align with God and His desires.  It may be that He leads you into a path of extreme wealth, and that’s okay.  But in this case, if your wealth is your only light and your not spending time with the light… there is a disconnect. 

I will admit, I’ve been caught up in this thought process where it seemed that it was groundhog day.  Same thought, different day resulting in not getting closer to God.  So thinking about what we are thinking about is important. 

However, the “why” behind the thought is key and we must surrender our thought life to the Lord so that He gives us wisdom…  wisdom to act on the thought according to His plan.  We should rely on His knowledge and wisdom as He puts it in Proverbs 3, which is another great scripture.  

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.  Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; 10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.  11 My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, 12 because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.[b]

I don’t know about you but that scripture sure does take the pressure off of me in having to figure everything out in this life.  The bottom line is that we need to pay attention to to what we are thinking about.  Catch those sugar racing kids that keep running around in your mind.

Take a pause and evaluate why those thoughts keep coming around and ask questions like; is that helping or hurting me in any way?  Is the thought or thoughts a bad habit or do I need to act on it?  Do I rely on certain thoughts as an escape?  If so, of what? Or do I need to place some action with that thought and if so, start today. 

Have a great and prosperous thinking day!

One Reply to “The Mind Drives The Action”

  1. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Meaning you are the sum total of what you think. Great blog!

    Tina Bache Wiig

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